Several recent articles by corporate law scholars and a jurist (who also deserves to be called a scholar) are worth highlighting. Professor Stephen Bainbridge, often cited in Delaware court decisions and a friend of this blog, and Vice Chancellor Travis Laster, have authored recent articles that should be of interest to those who follow Delaware corporate law.
Professor Bainbridge penned a law review article entitled: A Course Correction for Controlling Shareholder Transactions, which, as the title suggests, analyzes the duties of controlling shareholders and related issues.
Professor Bainbridge commented on that article on his blog at this link.
Lastly, on a somewhat different aspect of corporate law, more recently the good professor addresses on his eponymous blog an article by another law professor, and incorporates responses to that article by a Delaware practitioner, that together address the perennial question of whether other states are seriously challenging Delaware’s prominence in the corporate law universe–especially in light of recent Delaware court decisions that, in the view of some, are perceived as anti-business.