In a recent letter ruling, the Delaware Court of Chancery provided a short tutorial on the Chancery rules of procedure that describe the specific requirements for responding to discovery and the detail that the parties are obligated to provide, especially for objections. See Bocock, et al. v. Innovate Corp., et al., C.A. No.
Rule 34
Chancery Rules on Real-Party-In-Interest Issue
By Francis Pileggi on
Posted in Chancery Court Updates
A recent letter ruling by the Delaware Court of Chancery is noteworthy, in part, because it deals with the issue of a real-party-in-interest, and there is a relative paucity of comprehensive case law on this somewhat esoteric procedural issue. The decision in Fortis Advisors v. Allegan W.C. Holding, Inc., C.A. No. 2019-0151-MTZ (Del. Ch.
Miscellaneous Delaware Corporate and Commercial Practice Updates
By Francis Pileggi on
Posted in Uncategorized
This post is an aggregation of miscellaneous worthwhile Delaware corporate litigation developments that was easier to present as one post instead of multiple smaller posts:
1. Case Law Regarding Importance of Formalities to Modify Pretrial Scheduling Orders: