San Antonio Fire & Police Pension Fund v. Amylin Pharmaceuticals, Inc., No. 4446-VCL (Del.Ch., May 12, 2009), read opinion here. This Chancery Court decision addressed the issue of "poison puts" or a provision in an indenture that would have triggered an obligation of the company, and a right of noteholders, that allowed the holders
poison put
Poison Puts and Delaware Corporate Law
By Francis Pileggi on
Posted in Court of Chancery Updates
Prof. Steven Davidoff as The Deal Professor on the DealBook blog, here, writes about pending battles for control over the pharmaceutical company, Amylin, including efforts by Carl Icahn and others to nominate new directors, as well as a pending suit in Delaware Chancery Court by a pension fund against Amylin. The good professor also discusses what are referred…