In a seminal decision that has already been the subject of extensive scholarly commentary within the few days since its issuance, the Delaware Supreme Court overruled its 2006 decision in the Gentile case. That decision held that some stockholder claims can be both direct and derivative. New Delaware law on this topic was announced in
direct v. derivative
Chancery Addresses Right to Direct Claim for Dilution of Minority Shareholders
By Francis Pileggi on
Posted in Chancery Court Updates
Carsanaro v. Bloodhound Technologies, Inc., C.A. No. 7301-VCP (Del. Ch. March 15, 2013).
This 76-page Chancery decision addresses issues that include the following: (1) when a claim for dilution of minority shares can be pursued directly instead of, or in addition to, derivately; (2) restrictions imposed by DGCL Section 160 on the right to redeem…
Court of Chancery Clarifies Rights of Minority Shareholders Whose Equity is Diluted
By Francis Pileggi on
Posted in Chancery Court Updates
Dubroff v. Wren Holdings, LLC, C.A. No. 3940-VCN (Del. Ch. Oct. 28, 2011), read 45-page opinion here. See prior Chancery decisions in this case highlighted on these pages here and here.
Issues Addressed
The issues addressed in this gem of an opinion include: (i) whether and when a minority shareholder’s claim for breach…