A recent Court of Chancery decision provides a few basic but important statements of Delaware law that are useful for the toolbox of corporate and commercial litigators. In Klein v. ECG Topco Holding, LLC, C.A. No. 2021-0701-LWW (Del. Ch. July 8, 2022), the Court pithily decides issues that arose in the context of the
delaware litigation
Consent Statute Not Sufficient Alone to Impose Jurisdiction on Corporate Officer
A recent Delaware Court of Chancery opinion should have a place in the toolbox of litigators who need to be familiar with the latest iteration of Delaware law on the nuanced aspects of the consent statute as a potential basis to impose personal jurisdiction on officers and directors of Delaware corporations by virtue of their…
Chancery Provides Guidelines for Non-Delaware Lawyers Issuing Formal Delaware Legal Opinion Letters
The Delaware Court of Chancery published a magnum opus a few days ago that should be required reading for all lawyers who prepare formal legal opinion letters for clients–and whose behavior is subject to review by the Delaware courts.
In Bandera Master Fund LP v. Boardwalk Pipeline Partners, LP, C.A. No. 2018-0372-VCL (Del. Ch.…
Chancery Declines to Follow First-Filed Rule in Advancement Case
The current issue of the Delaware Business Court Insider includes an article on the titular topic by yours truly and my colleague Cheneise Wright. Courtesy of the good folks at the Delaware Business Court Insider, and with their permission, it appears below.
Chancery Declines to Follow First-Filed Rule in Advancement Case
By: Francis…
Updated “Guidelines for Persons Litigating in the Court of Chancery”
The Delaware Court of Chancery recently published an updated version of Practice Guidelines. Weighing in at 38 single-spaced pages, it must be read by both Chancery litigators and those out-of-state counsel who litigate Chancery cases. The original Practice Guidelines highlighted on these pages, promulgated in 2012, were a mere 18-pages in length.
Courtesy of…
Chancery Recognizes Reverse Veil-Piercing
Regular readers of these pages may recall multiple prior blog posts on both veil-piercing and reverse veil-piercing over the last 16 years. Serious students should review the book on the topic by the renowned corporate law scholar, and a friend of this blog, Professor Stephen Bainbridge. The Delaware Court of Chancery recently recognized reverse-veil-piercing in…
Corporate Law and Woke CEOs
One of the country’s foremost corporate law scholars, Prof. Stephen Bainbridge, who readers of Delaware corporate law decisions and readers of these pages will recognize as having earned a place in the pantheon of corporate law luminaries, has commented on the titular topic, based on a recent Wall Street Journal article that discusses a backlash…
Professionalism Perspectives on Court Proceedings via Zoom
My latest ethics column for The Bencher, the national publication of the American Inns of Court, is on the titular topic, available at this hyperlink.
No Such Thing as “Local Counsel” in Delaware Court of Chancery
Courtesy of the Delaware Business Court Insider, we provide our article that appeared in the April 21, 2021 edition on an important topic for Delaware litigators.
No Such Thing as Local Counsel in Delaware Court of Chancery
By: Francis G.X. Pileggi* and Chauna A. Abner**
This is a compilation of selected key Delaware court…
Chancery Grants Anti-Suit Injunction to Enforce Forum Selection Clause
A recent decision by a Delaware Court of Chancery provides a useful reference for the prerequisites to obtain an injunction in Delaware to enjoin a party from pursuing claims in violation of an exclusive forum selection clause [in another jurisdiction]. In SPay, Inc. v. Stack Media Inc., C.A. No. 2020-0540-JRS (Del. Ch. March 23…