This short overview provides the basic criteria to be considered when an issue is presented about judicial recusal
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Code of Judicial Conduct
Judicial Ethics and Social Media: To Friend or Not to Friend?
By Francis Pileggi on
Posted in Commentary
The American Bar Association has just released a timely ethics opinion regarding the issues that may arise when a judge engages in social media, such as “friending someone” on Facebook. In Formal Opinion 462, dated February 21, 2013, the ABA opines that a
“judge may participate in electronic social networking but as with all
Civility in the Legal Profession
By Francis Pileggi on
Posted in Commentary, Delaware Supreme Court Updates
The Wall Street Journal has a front page article today about programs designed to promote civility in the legal profession. Much has been written on these pages and elsewhere about this perennial lament about lawyers behaving badly. Many states, including Delaware, have civility codes and principles of professionalism that are both aspirational and prescriptive. Instead…