Central Mortgage Company v. Morgan Stanley Mortgage Capital Holdings LLC, C.A. No. 5140-CS (Del. Ch. Aug. 7, 2012). This Court of Chancery decision was the result of remand from a decision of the Delaware Supreme Court which was highlighted on these pages here, and which clarified the standard in Delaware for the review by the
amended complaint
Chancery Court Finds Pre-Suit Demand Not Excused
By Francis Pileggi on
Posted in Court of Chancery Updates
In Re: Affiliated Computer Services, Inc. Shareholders Litigation, (Del. Ch., February 6, 2009), read opinion here.
We are fortunate to have the following review and analysis of this case prepared by Kevin Brady, a partner in the Business Law Group at the Wilmington, Delaware, office of Connolly Bove.
In a dispute involving yet another victim of…
Court Allows Amended Complaint Despite Motion to Dismiss
By Francis Pileggi on
Posted in Court of Chancery Updates
Sutherland v. Sutherland, 2008 WL 3021024 (Aug. 5, 2008).
This is an example of the Chancery Court’s practical side which allows it to cut to the chase and avoid unnecessary procedural entanglements. In this case, despite a Motion to Dismiss that was pending, and in light of the multiple proceedings that ensued after the motion…