News from the Department of Self-Promotion: Recently I was awarded the 2019 Chief Justice William Killen Award for Second Amendment Legal Advocacy in connection with my most recent successful legal challenge of certain state regulations. The award was presented on behalf of the Delaware State Sportsmen’s Association, which is an affiliate of the National Rifle Association, before a group of about 600 people in Dover. In a recent Delaware court opinion highlighted on these pages, my colleague Jamie Inferrera and I prevailed in our arguments that certain regulations at state parks were in violation of a Delaware Supreme Court decision that found prior regulations invalid based on the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution and the counterpart in the Delaware State Constitution at Article I, Section 20. The award is named after the first Chief Justice and first Chancellor of the State of Delaware. Although this is not an annual award, several years ago I received this award for other appellate victories.
There are many people–lawyers and non-lawyers alike–as well as several organizations too numerous to mention in this short post who made it possible to prevail in three major court decisions, available at the above hyperlinks, that now form a foundation for a body of law in Delaware that is based on the natural right to self defense, which every human is born with, and that the United States Supreme Court has ruled to be at the core of the right to bear arms.