Among the important recent Delaware corporate and commercial decisions highlighted on these pages over the last few months, we compiled a few at the following links:  

Supreme Court Affirms Decision to Delay Hostile Offer Based on Violation of Confidentiality Agreement 

Court Awards $3.2 Million in Attorneys’ Fees in Contract Dispute

No Fiduciary Duty, Per Se, to Minimize Corporate Taxes, but Court Allows Claim of Excess Compensation for Board Members

Not Per Se Breach of Fiduciary Duty for a Board to Fail to Have a Succession Plan

Dismissal of One Derivative Lawsuit Not a Bar to Second Derivative Claim by Second Stockholder

Postscript:  Professor Bainbridge graciously linked to this post and we will be eternally grateful for the good professor’s kind observation that: “It’s these sort of updates that made Francis Pileggi’s blog must reading for all corporate lawyers.”