Reis v. Hazelett Strip-Casting Corp., C.A. No. 3552-VCL (Del. Ch. Jan. 21, 2011), is a recent opinion, available here, of the Delaware Court of Chancery that is critiqued here by Professor Stephen Bainbridge, one of the nation’s leading corporate law scholars who is cited often in Delaware court opinions. He discusses this and many other Delaware decisions that address the business judgment rule and he explains his reasons for asserting why the BJR is not a standard of review but rather should be viewed as an abstention doctrine.
The good professor will be sharing his wisdom at a corporate law seminar scheduled for May 12, 2011 in Wilmington, Delaware, and he suggests in the post at the above link that this topic could be part of his presentation. Prof. Bainbridge also solicits topics for his Delaware appearance in a post here.