Steve Jakubowski, an expert bankruptcy lawyer and friend based in Chicago, penned a moving and inspirational tribute to his mother here, that is a fitting tribute to read as a remembrance during the holidays. It includes video clips describing how she survived the Holocaust. Among many other reasons to view it, one is reminded of how lucky most of us are, and the value in persevering no matter how desperate things may seem.
As a postscript, I would like to add a remembrance about my saintly mother. Although my dearly departed mother did not survive the Holocaust, she did endure cruel and painful discrimination, for example, because she did not speak English when she started school as a child in the U.S. during the 1930s, and was later transferred to a different school during the first grade to a school where they were less humiliating to those who did not speak English as their first language. She continued to experience similar hardships as she grew up during a time in our country when the U.S. was less accommodating to immigrants, but she persevered and prevailed through hard work, a strong faith, determination and an altruism that she demonstrated every day in giving her seven children everything they needed even if it meant that she did without. So, during this holiday season, I try to remember all that I should be thankful for, including the sacrifices of many people who suffered hardships in order for me to enjoy what I have today. Happy Holidays.