The Delaware Chancery Court recently issued four decisions in as many weeks on topics related to electronic discovery. These cases have been summarized already on this blog but I want to collect links to them all on one page for convenience. The cases with links to their summaries are as follows:

Grace Brothers Ltd. v. Siena Holdings, Inc., (June 2, 2009)(motion to compel directors’ emails granted), summarized here.

Beard Research Inc. v. Kates, (May 29, 2009)(adverse inference and fees imposed for spoliation), summarized here.

Omnicare Inc. v. Mariner Health Care Management Co., (May 29, 2009)(ordered production of back-up tapes for deleted emails), summarized here.

Triton Construction Co., Inc. v. Eastern Shore Electrical Services Inc., (May 18, 2009)(adverse inference and fees for destruction of thumb drive and home computer), summarized here.