Today’s mail brought a pleasant surprise in the form of the newest book from Professor Stephen Bainbridge titled: The New Corporate Governance in Theory and Practice. As the author describes it:
My latest book lays out in great detail my "director primacy" approach to understanding corporate governance. It provides a comprehensive overview of the key problems in modern corporate governance, including the relationship of boards to managers and the question of shareholder activism.
I don’t have time to do the book justice today with anything approaching a book review, but my initial observation is that it should be consulted by anyone interested in keeping up to date on the topic of corporate governance.
Professor Bainbridge is widely acknowledged as one of the nation’s most respected corporate law scholars and certainly among its most prolific. The author explains that the concern that motivated his extensive body of work that culminated in this book was to "understand the existing statutory framework of corporate governance in U.S. law." The text is replete with helpful footnotes to prior writings of the professor and other notable scholars in the field.