Although it did not take place in Delaware, the trial of Sacco and Vanzetti, conducted in Massachusetts in the 1920s, is regarded and one of the most important trials in American history. It was a period of time in our country during which there was a “Red Scare” and a great concern about the spread of Communism. It has relevance today because it remains a useful study about our legal system in general, in all states, and how we treat immigrants in our courts. The story is also timely in light of the public debate concerning the pending legislation in Congress about immigration and how we treat immigrants. It is widely believed that the 2 Italian immigrants did not receive a fair trial and were found guilty of murder, despite exculpatory evidence (much of which was not disclosed by the prosecution), in large measure because they were Italian immigrants. Americans of Italian descent were routinely discriminated against during that period and the unfair trial of Sacco and Vanzetti was but one example of that discrimination. Some say that Italian-Americans are in the mainstream now, and are not considered “minorities”, but I think the matter is open to question. There are many sites on the web about the trial and its many tragic aspects. Here is the link to one site: