This is the 25th year that the Tulane Corporate Law Institute has presented a seminar in New Orleans that attracts corporate litigators and M & A lawyers from around the country to discuss the latest developments in corporate law. Members of Delaware’s Supreme Court and Court of Chancery by far represent the largest number of

Carlyle Investment Management L.L.C. v. National Industries Group (Holding), C.A. No. 5527-CS (Del. Ch. Oct. 11, 2012).

Issue Presented: Whether a default judgment should be opened when the defendant Kuwaiti company agreed to a forum selection clause in Delaware and willfully ignored multiple opportunities to participate in the lawsuit.

Short Answer: No.

South v. Baker, C.A. No. 7294-VCL (Del. Ch. Sept. 25, 2012).

Issues AddressedPantheon: This decision is a candidate for inclusion in the pantheon of iconic Delaware Court of Chancery opinions addressing the following issues:  (1) When derivative plaintiffs and their counsel will be presumptively found to provide inadequate representation resulting in the complaint’s