In a masterpiece of contract interpretation and statutory analysis, the Delaware Court of Chancery recently reconciled juxtaposed provisions in the Delaware General Corporation Law and a Certificate of Incorporation to allow a reincorporation of a Delaware company in Nevada with a majority vote—as compared to requiring a supermajority vote. Gunderson v. The Trade Desk, Inc
Court of Chancery Updates
Chancery Approves Merger of Distressed Company that Nets Zero to Common Stockholders
A recent Delaware Court of Chancery opinion addressed the not infrequent situation where a distressed company is sold or merged but only the preferred stockholders receive consideration—and the common stockholders receive nothing. In Jacobs v. Akademos, Inc., Del. Ch., C.A. No. 2021-0346-JTL (Del. Ch. Oct. 30, 2024), a scholarly work of art, the…
Chancery Enforces Release as Condition Precedent to Severance Payments
In a recent decision, the Delaware Court of Chancery determined that an agreement that required a release to be signed as a condition precedent to receiving severance benefits was enforceable, and that the failure to sign the release was a defense to the payment of severance benefits. An important aspect of this decision was that…
Chancery Clarifies Details Needed Under Rule 88 to Seek Fees
The Delaware Court of Chancery recently clarified the requirements of Rule 88 which refers to an affidavit that must be submitted when attorneys’ fees are requested from the Court. The short 2-page letter-ruling provides citations to authority and an explanation why the amount of time charged and the rates sought were not in proportion to…
Chancery rules conflicted dual fiduciaries must face derivative suit over Match spinoff
Frank Reynolds, who has been covering Delaware corporate decisions for various national publications for over 35 years, prepared this article
The Delaware Court of Chancery recently reconsidered most of its earlier dismissal of an investor challenge to IAC/InterActive Corp’s spinoff of its internet dating subsidiary after the state high court ruled that dual-position Match/IAC…
Delaware Court of Chancery Explains Nuances of Formal Opinion Letters
A recent Delaware Court of Chancery decision should be read by every lawyer who issues formal legal opinion letters—and those who litigate issues involving them. In Bandera Master Funds LP v. Boardwalk Pipeline Partners, LP, C.A. No. 2018-0372-JTL (Del. Ch. Sept. 9, 2024), the court amplified its earlier post-trial decision, highlighted on these pages…
Chancery Rules that Primacy of Contract Allows Repurchase of LLC Units Based on Non-Disparagement Claims Despite Absolute Litigation Privilege
A recent Delaware Court of Chancery decision clarified Delaware law in connection with determining that an alleged violation of a non-disparagement clause could be the basis to trigger the repurchase of LLC interests post-closing, in connection with the sale of a company—notwithstanding the general rule that the absolute litigation privilege generally bars claims of defamation…
Court of Chancery Defines “Officers” Entitled to Advancement Rights
Andrew A. Ralli, an associate in the Wilmington office of Lewis Brisbois, prepared this blog post.
A recent Delaware Court of Chancery decision determined whether persons seeking advancement satisfied the undefined term “officer” under the Bylaws and the Delaware General Corporation Law (the “DGCL”). In Gilbert v. Unisys Corp., No. 2023-0513-PAF (Del. Ch.
Chancery Reviews Report of Special Magistrate Regarding Receivership
A recent Delaware Court of Chancery decision addressed issues with the receivership of a defunct corporation and the report of a Special Magistrate appointed to investigate claims against the court-appointed Receiver. In B.E. Capital Management Fund LP v. Inc., C.A. No. 12843-VCL (Del. Ch. July 18, 2024), the court reviewed the report…
Chancery rules ex-CEO’s objections to indemnification payback are too little, too late
Frank Reynolds, who has been covering Delaware corporate decisions for various national publications for over 35 years, prepared this article
The Delaware Court of Chancery recently ordered biotech firm InterMune Inc.’s former CEO to repay nearly $6 million in director and officer insurance funds he spent trying to overturn his felony wire fraud conviction…