The analysis, in the context of a post-merger dispute, of the nuances of an indemnification provision and whether or not escrow funds should be released was the subject of a recent Delaware Court of Chancery decision in Reddy v. 2nd Chance Treatment Centers, LLC, C.A. NO. 2024-0193-SKR (Del. Ch., Dec. 12, 2024). Sitting by

Francis Pileggi
Removal of LLC Manager Upheld
In an expedited post-trial decision, the Delaware Court of Chancery recently determined who the proper managers were of an LLC, as well as the validity of the removal of a manager, pursuant to the summary proceedings provided for in Section 18-110 of the Delaware Limited Liability Company Act. In St. Peters, L.P. v. Bold On …
Chancery Rejects Musk’s Reasons to Revise Ruling on Tesla Pay Plan
Frank Reynolds, who has been covering Delaware corporate decisions for various national publications for over 35 years, prepared this article
The Delaware Court of Chancery recently declined to revise its January post-trial decision that the Tesla Inc. directors’ more than $55 billion pay package for CEO Elon Musk was a breach of duty that must…
Chancery Reviews Section 220 Basics
Aimee Czachorowski, an attorney in the Delaware office of Lewis Brisbois, prepared this post.
Chancellor McCormick’s recent letter decision in Floreani, et al. v. FloSports, Inc., C.A. No. 2023-0684-LM-KSJM (Del. Ch. Oct. 31, 2014), illustrates the pitfalls of non-compliance with the technical requirements of a Section 220 demand by a stockholder for corporate books…
Supreme Court Affirms Court of Chancery’s Findings of Breach of Revlon Duties and Breach of Duty of Disclosure
Aimee Czachorowski, an attorney in the Delaware office of Lewis Brisbois, prepared this post.
The Delaware Supreme Court, in In re Mindbody, Inc. Stockholder Litigation, C.A. No. 2019-0442 (Del. Supr. Dec. 2, 2024), affirmed the Court of Chancery’s finding that Mindbody’s founder and CEO had breached fiduciary duties in connection with actions he took…
Compliance with Delaware Discovery Rules in Commercial Litigation
Vice Chancellor J. Travis Laster of the Delaware Court of Chancery and Professor Elise Bernlohr Maizel recently published a law review article entitled Discovery as a Compliance Problem, available at this hyperlink, 50 J. Corp. L. 53 (2024), which should be read by all lawyers involved in commercial litigation in Delaware.
Highlights include…
Corporate Law Scholarship
Several recent articles by corporate law scholars and a jurist (who also deserves to be called a scholar) are worth highlighting. Professor Stephen Bainbridge, often cited in Delaware court decisions and a friend of this blog, and Vice Chancellor Travis Laster, have authored recent articles that should be of interest to those who follow Delaware…
Delaware Supreme Court Clarifies Standards Applicable To Advance Notice Bylaws
Fanta Toure, a law clerk in the Delaware office of Lewis Brisbois, prepared this post.
The Supreme Court of Delaware issued a significant ruling in Kellner v. AIM Immunotech Inc., No. 2023-0879 (Del. Supr. July 11, 2024), addressing a legal challenge related to advance notice bylaws adopted by AIM Immunotech’s board in response…
Lawrence Cunningham on Delaware Corporate Law as Gold Standard
Lawrence Cunningham is the new Director of the Weinberg Center for Corporate Governance at the University of Delaware. He is a prolific corporate law scholar and provides thought leadership on the perennial issue of Delaware’s role in the nation’s corporate law in a new article entitled: Delaware Corporate Law Still Gold Standard Amid ESG Blowbac
Chancery Interprets Charter and DGCL to Allow Reincorporation in Nevada with Majority Vote
In a masterpiece of contract interpretation and statutory analysis, the Delaware Court of Chancery recently reconciled juxtaposed provisions in the Delaware General Corporation Law and a Certificate of Incorporation to allow a reincorporation of a Delaware company in Nevada with a majority vote—as compared to requiring a supermajority vote. Gunderson v. The Trade Desk, Inc…