Two law review articles of interest to Delaware corporate lawyers and litigators arrived in the U.S. mail today and are linked below. Both articles are authored by luminaries familiar to all who follow developments in corporate law:
- The Delaware Journal of Corporate Law, Vol. 37, No. 2, features an article by Stanford Law Professor Joseph Grundfest entitled: The History and Evolution of Intra-Corporate Forum Selection Clauses: An Empirical Analysis. This is must reading for those who want to keep abreast of the latest scholarship from a leading scholar on this cutting-edge corporate issue.
- Former Delaware Chief Justice E. Norman Veasey co-authored an article with Christine T. DiGuglielmo in the ABA’s current issue of The Business Lawyer, Vol. 68, No. 1, entitled: General Counsel Buffeted by Compliance Demands and Client Pressures May Face Personal Peril. The article draws on the extensive treatment of the issue that the authors provided in a recent book they published on the topic.