For those who want gift giving ideas that can be fulfilled online, I recommend the latest publication from one of the nation’s most respected corporate law experts and a favorite of the Delaware Courts (based on their frequent citations to his scholarship), Professor Stephen Bainbridge. Entitled: Corporate Governance after the Financial Crisis, and available for pre-order via here, this latest work from a prolific scholar has been described by Professor Steven Davidoff, as follows:

“Professor Bainbridge has written an important book for those seeking to understand the theoretical and practical implications of Dodd-Frank, Sarbanes-Oxley and the federal government’s foray into corporate regulation. It is a book that for years to come will influence the controversial debate over the federal regulation of corporate governance.” –Professor Steven Davidoff, N.Y. Times “Deal Professor”

Professor Bainbridge’s blog today has the the following depiction of the nativity under the heading “Merry Christmas” which I have cut and pasted below, with attribution:
