A member of the bench from the "12th Chancery Court District of Mississippi", The Honorable Larry Primeaux, has his own blog. It may be the first blog from a jurist on a Court of Chancery. In a recent post, His Honor provided a list of top 10 "Practical Rules for Dealing with Borderline Personality". This post may be in the nature of a public service announcement for those of us who need to deal with difficult people (sometimes referred to in a colloquial and non-scientific manner, as "crazy people".) The tips from the jurist’s blog are as follows:
1. If you don’t have to deal with a crazy person, don’t.
2. You can’t outsmart crazy. You also can’t fix crazy. (You could outcrazy it, but that makes you crazy too.)
3. When you get in a contest of wills with a crazy person, you’ve already lost.
4. The crazy person doesn’t have as much to lose as you.
5. Your desired outcome is to get away from the crazy person.
6. You have no idea what the crazy person’s desired outcome is.
7. The crazy person sees anything you have done as justification for what she’s about to do.
8. Anything nice you do for the crazy person, she will use as ammunition later.
9. The crazy person sees any outcome as vindication.
10. When you start caring what the crazy person thinks, you’re joining her in her craziness.