Prof. Larry Ribstein has a thoughtful and thought-provoking post here about the recent Chicago Tribune investigation into the practices by the law school administration at the University of Illinois. This is a story that is of general interest to all lawyers for a few reasons. For example, the post provides a well-reasoned response to what appears to be a less than objective attack on the academic side of our profession at a well-respected law school. In addition, the post examines the public service that blogs can provide by calling attention to errors or abuses by the mainstream media. Also discussed is the situation that we will all find ourselves in at some point, of being asked to recommend someone for admission to law school. The school involved was a publicly-funded school. The politicians who held the purse strings for the school’s funding were in a position to exert more pressure than the average person, and moreso due to their ability to find jobs for graduates. All these issues and more are analyzed. It’s worth reading.