The following information comes to us courtesy of Wilmington lawyer, and e-discovery expert, Kevin Brady, who was a key player in the program described:
Georgetown University Law Center Successfully Completes Inaugural E-Discovery Training Academy
Georgetown University Law Center was the site for the “first-of-its-kind” week-long training academy on electronic discovery law and technology. From February 9 – 13, 2009, Georgetown hosted the first academy for members of the judiciary, in-house and outside counsel, practice and litigation support professionals, IT and system specialists as well as corporate executives to learn about an area of the law that is uniformly misunderstood — the intersection of law and technology in the context of litigation. According to Georgetown’s Assistant Dean Lawrence Center: “the Academy was designed to focus on the interface between law and technology where many critical decisions are made. The Academy provides an excellent opportunity for professionals to learn about the nexus between law and technology through a mix of technical theory and “hands on” practical demonstration in addition to a review of the substantive and procedural law of discovery of Electronically Stored Information or “ESI.”
Academy Program Chair, Robert Eisenberg, Vice President Consulting for Capital Legal Solutions LLC, in Falls Church, Virginia, who had the vision to suggest that Georgetown create such a program, said that “in designing this Academy, we wanted to bring together in one place the “best and brightest” instructors in the world of electronic discovery law and technology to teach the first academy class which was limited to 50 students and we were very fortunate to make that happen.” Topics for the various sessions of the Academy included, among others, technology primers, sessions on the technical issues related to preservation, harvesting, procession and producing electronic information, search tools and filtering methodologies and a practicum on designing and managing an E-Discovery project. At the conclusion of the Academy, Dean Center said that “By all accounts, the Academy was a tremendous success and we are looking forward to another innovative program at Georgetown next year.”
The full brochure is available here.