The current issue of The Business Lawyer arrived in the mail today and with it the most recent article published by a member of the prolific Delaware Chancery Court. The citation to the article is:
Leo E. Strine, Jr., Breaking the Corporate Governance Logjam in Washington: Some Constructive Thoughts on a Responsible Path Forward, 63 Bus. Law. 1079 (August 2008). The ABA’s website makes a copy available online here. Especially in light of the historical trauma on Wall Street in the last week, and the rush to find a solution in Washington, the topic could not be much more timely. As described in the opening footnote, the article is based on speeches given at various corporate law seminars over the past few months.
Moreover, for those interested in learning insights into the latest thought-process of at least one member of the Court on important matters of Delaware corporate law, one could spend their time less productively than by reading the foregoing latest articulation, off the bench, by one of the guys who makes the big decisions.