Although I do not publish as many articles as I once did, due to the time it takes for my writing on this blog (which I suppose is also publishing), I don’t think I listed here on this blog the few most recent ones, so below is a list of a few of the articles I published in the last several months. I also just finished an article on Delaware LLCs for a Bloomberg corporate publication that I will post as soon as I can.
Chancery Gives Victory to Freedom of Contract, The Harvard Law School Corporate Governance Blog, (May 23, 2008)
Texas Court Rejects Claims against Law Firm for Exceeding Litigation Budget and Raising Fees, The Bencher (July/August 2008)
Co-author, Court Rejects Bid Due To Use of Wrong Bond Form, DCA News (May 12, 2008)
Co-author, Non-Delaware Lawyers Sued in Delaware for Advising on Delaware Law, Business Law Today (March/April 2008)
Class Member Not Entitled to Full Panoply of Attorney/Client Relationship Benefits, The Bencher (March/April 2008)