As I have done for opinions issued in 2005 and 2006, I have prepared a review here of key corporate and commercial decisions from the Delaware Chancery Court and Delaware Supreme Court during the year 2007. See my two prior yearly summaries here. The summary was prepared as an article that was published in the Jan. 16, 2008 edition of The Delaware Law Weekly . There is a necessary subjectivity in the cases that I selected from among the 200 or so that I summarized on these pages during 2007. It is not uncommon for the courts’ decisions to be 50 to 60 (or more) pages each, and many of the opinions could easily be (and have been) the subject of separate articles in their own right. Thus, in order to cover 20 or 30 noteworthy cases in a short article, one is limited to mostly identifying the issues raised in the decisions so that an interested reader will be directed to the full opinion. (Most of the decisions are noteworthy, but it would not be practical to include them all in a short overview. Remember, they are all still available on this blog.) I also did not spend much time on some of the more well-known cases that have already received widespread attention.
The second link above will lead you to the 2005 overview that appeared in the publication called The Delaware Corporate Litigation Reporter, as well as the 2006 review that appeared in a Bloomberg publication called the Corporate Law Report.
UPDATE: Fortunately for me, Prof. Bainbridge graciously linked here to my summary.
UPDATE II: Today I am doubly fortunate. Prof. Ribstein kindly linked here to my summary.