Recent posts on the Conglomerate blog by David Zaring here as well as one by Prof. Bainbridge on his blog here, have been discussing whether the Delaware Chancery Court’s caseload is primarily made up corporate cases, as is widely assumed. When reading those comments, I was reminded of an article by Professor Robert B. Thompson, Delaware, The FEDs, and the Stock Exchange: Challenges to the First State as First in Corporate Law, 29 Del. J. Corp. L. 779, 785 (2004) citing Robert B. Thompson and Randall S. Thomas, at 57 Vand.L. Rev. 133, 165-66 (2004), which refers to their review of all complaints filed in the Delaware Court of Chancery in 1999 and 2000. The study found that an average of 850 complaints were filed each year, of which 75 percent raised corporate issues. Divide that 75% of 850 cases among 5 members of the court. Do the math and then find  another court whose jurists have as many corporate cases pending before them.  I have no reason to believe that the percentage has changed in the last 3 years that I have been summarizing the key decisions of Chancery Court on this blog. ( I previously blogged about that article on this blog here.)  Prof. Mark Roe more recently addressed issues similar to those in Professor Thompson’s above-referenced article, as summarized here on this blog.