Former Delaware Supreme Court Chief Justice E. Norman Veasey and Christine T. DiGuglielmo wrote the lead article in The Business Lawyer publication that just arrived today in the mail. Their article is titled: The Tensions, Stresses, and Professional Responsibilities of the Lawyer for the Corporation, 62 Bus. Law. 1 (Nov. 2006). Though the current issue is not yet online, here is the online location for the publication. Copious footnotes provide caselaw (often from Delaware) and other authoritative sources for corporate law topics and the law of lawyering.
The authors provide a scholarly and practical commentary on the need for corporate lawyers to "remember who their client is" while acknowledging the difficulty in being "caught in the middle" between, for example, an overbearing CEO and the Board. The many useful points in the article include tips on best practices for preparing "minutes of board meetings", especially in the context of an uptick in the number of suits demanding books and records pursuant to DGCL Section 220.