On Prof. Larry Ribstein’s Ideoblog recently, he linked to a comment by Timothy Glynn about the internal affairs doctrine. Here is the link: Ideoblog.

 Larry has written extensively on the topic and has a new article on point in the works. They both refer to the very recent denial by the U.S. Supreme Court of cert to review a California case dealing with whether the internal affairs doctrine applies or whether California blue sky law applies to a dispute involving insiders of a Delaware corporation based in California. The latest pronouncement in Delaware on this issue was the 2005 decision of the Chancery Court, as affirmed by the  Delaware Supreme Court in a case called  Examen, Inc. v. VantagePoint Venture  Partners, summarized  here on this blog.

Also referenced by Glynn is a separate California case on the issue that is now on review by the California Supreme Court. See Glynn’s post here: Concurring Opinions.

Last year, Craig Williams posted on his blog called May It Please the Court  about a California case that did follow Delaware’s view of the internal affairs doctrine. Here is the link: MayItPleaseTheCourt .