For a list of more recently published articles, refer to my bio on my law firm website.
- Duties of Directors of Distressed Companies, Delaware Lawyer, Nov./Dec. 2010 (co-authored with Jeffrey Schlerf).
- Review of Recent Delaware Corporate Decisions and Electronic Discovery Rulings, NYU Journal of Law and Business, Spring 2010 (co-authored with Kevin Brady).
- Contested Director Elections in Delaware, ABA Business Law Today, Nov. 2010 (co-authored with Kevin F. Brady).
- Top 5 Corporate and Commercial Delaware Cases from 2009, The Delaware Law Weekly, Jan, 2010 (co-authored with Kevin Brady).
- Delaware Corporate Decisions: Key Cases From Early 2009, Business Law Today, Sept./Oct. 2009 (co-authored with Kevin F. Brady).
- Review of Corporate Decisions by Delaware Courts in 2008, The Delaware Law Weekly, Jan. 2009
- Co-author, Benefits of Being a Delaware Company and Recent Developments in the Governance of LLCs, Bloomberg Law Reports , Vol. 2, No. 33 (August 18, 2008).
- Chancery Gives Victory to Freedom of Contract, The Harvard Law School Corporate Governance Blog, (May 23, 2008).
- Co-author, Court Rejects Bid Due To Use of Wrong Bond Form, DCA News (May 12, 2008)
- Co-author, Non-Delaware Lawyers Sued in Delaware for Advising on Delaware Law, Business Law Today (March/April 2008)
- Class Member Not Entitled to Full Panoply of Attorney/Client Relationship Benefits, The Bencher (March/April 2008)
- Review of Corporate Decisions by Delaware Courts in 2007, Delaware Law Weekly, Jan. 2008
- Review of Corporate Decisions by Delaware Courts in 2006, Bloomberg Law Reports, Feb. 2007.
- Directors’ Actions Scrutinized in Sample v. Morgan, Delaware Law Weekly, Feb. 21, 2007.
- Shareholder Request for Books and Records Denied Under Section 220, Delaware Law Weekly, Dec. 13, 2006.
- Unsolicited E-mails Not Subject to Rules Applicable to Client Communications, The Bencher, Jan/Feb 2007.
- Attorney Fees for Breach of Forum Selection Clause, The Delaware Law Weekly, Nov. 1, 2006.
- Ethics Column, The Bencher, , Sept./Oct. 2006
- Deepening Insolvency, The Delaware Law Weekly, Sept. 2006
- Chancery Court Rulings Highlight Flexibility of Equitable Relief Available, Delaware Law Weekly, July 2006
- Florida Appellate Court Allows Attorney to Represent Majority Shareholder But Not Corporation; The Bencher, January/February 2006
- Arbitration May Not Be As Efficient As It Seems; The Delaware Law Weekly, October 2005 .
- Jurisdiction Over Non-Residents In Delaware Based on Civil Conspiracy With A Delaware Entity; The Metropolitan Corporate Counsel, Jan. 2005
- A Short Overview of Recent Developments in Electronic Discovery; Delaware Law Weekly, Sept. 2004
- Recent Delaware Decisions Clarify Definition of ‘Independent Director’; Delaware Corporate Litigation Reporter, Aug. 2003
- New Legislation Expands Jurisdiction of Delaware Court of Chancery; Litigation and Corporate Departments Alert, June 2003
- Court Enforces Restriction on Competition by Ex-Employees; Delaware Law Weekly, Feb. 2003
- A Hard Look at Fees for Fees; Delaware Law Weekly, Oct. 2002