This year’s Lecturer is Professor Lisa Fairfax from the University of Pennsylvania Law School. Details of the event on April 19 at the Hotel duPont in Wilmington, Delaware, are available at this link.

Hard to believe that when I started this idea while on the law review, it would still be going strong almost four decades later. Named after my father, the Delaware Journal of Corporate Law at the Delaware Law School of Widener University continues to host and organize the event that brings leading corporate law scholars from around the country to share their insights. Prior Annual Lectures have been highlighted on these pages.

Professor Lawrence A. Cunningham will present the 37th Annual F.G. Pileggi Distinguished Lecture in Law on Feb. 10, 2023 at the Hotel duPont in Wilmington, Delaware. Details are available at the Delaware Law School’s web site. The Lecture was named after the father of this blog’s primary author.

A short biography of Prof. Cunningham, information about how to rsvp, as well as a list of prior distinguished lecturers and the history of the lecture’s origin are also available at the above link.

Update: An overview of the good professor’s presentation was highlighted on the Harvard Law School Corporate Governance Blog

The Delaware Journal of Corporate Law, the law review of the Delaware Law School, provided a helpful overview of this year’s Lecture.

Prior lectures in this series have been highlighted on these pages.

The 36th Annual Francis G. Pileggi Distinguished Lecture in Law (named after the father of this blog’s primary author), is presented by The Delaware Journal of Corporate Law of Widener University’s Delaware Law School

This year’s topic is

Business Ethics: What Everyone Needs to Know

Professor J. S. Nelson
Visiting Associate Professor at the Harvard Business School
Associate Professor at Villanova Law School

Monday, April 25, 2022
8:00 a.m. Breakfast; 8:45 a.m. Lecture

Hotel DuPont, du Barry Room
11th and Market Streets
Wilmington, Delaware 19801

Many of the prior 35 Annual Distinguished Lectures have been highlighted on these pages.

One ethics CLE credit available in Delaware, Pennsylvania and New Jersey. The brochure is available at this link.

Online registration form available at

For additional information or for accessibility and special needs requests, contact Carol Perrupato at or 302-477-2178.

The 35th Annual Francis G. Pileggi Distinguished Lecture in Law (named after the father of this blog’s primary author) will be held on:

Friday, November 8, 2019.

Registration and breakfast is at 8:00 a.m. at the Hotel du Pont in Wilmington, Delaware. The Annual Lecture begins at 8:45 a.m.

The 34th Annual F.G. Pileggi Distinguished Lecture in Law (named after my father) will be presented by Professor David A. Skeel, Jr., the S. Samuel Arsht Professor of Corporate Law at the University of Pennsylvania Law School. Details about the event on November 2, 2018, are at this link, and as follows:

Hotel du Pont, du Barry Room, 11th and Market Streets, Wilmington, Delaware 19801

Breakfast at 8:00 a.m. and lecture at 8:45 a.m.

One substantive CLE credit available in DE and PA and online registration available at

For additional information or for accessibility and special needs requests, contact Carol Perrupato at or 302-477-2178.

Highlights of the annual lectures for several prior years have appeared on these pages.

The Delaware Journal of Corporate Law of Widener University Delaware Law School

presents the 33rd Annual Francis G. Pileggi Distinguished Lecture in Law

Is Delaware Retreating?

Randall S.Thomas
John S. Beasley II Chair in Law and Business
Director, Law & Business Program
Professor of Management, Owen Graduate School of Management
Vanderbilt Law School

Friday, October 20, 2017

8:00 a.m. Breakfast; 8:45 a.m. Lecture

Hotel DuPont, du Barry Room
11th and Market Streets
Wilmington, Delaware 19801

Encore presentation 11 a.m.

Widener University Delaware Law School

One substantive CLE credit available in DE and PA

Register online here.

For additional information or for accessibility and special needs requests,
contact Carol Perrupato at or 302-477-2178.

Prior Annual Pileggi Distinguished Lectures have been highlighted on these pages. This Lecture Series was funded by my late father, F.G. Pileggi, Esq., over 30 years ago when I was on the law review and was thinking of a vehicle to attract prominent scholars to contribute law review articles, based on their annual lectures.

Supplement: The PowerPoint slides from this year’s Lecture are now available .

The Delaware Journal of Corporate Law of Widener University Delaware Law School presents the 32nd Annual Francis G. Pileggi Distinguished Lecture in Law

Can General Counsels be Independent: Resolving the Partner-Guardian Tension

Ben W. Heineman, Jr.
Senior Fellow at Harvard Law School’s Program on the Legal Profession and its Program on Corporate Governance; Senior Fellow at the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government; Lecturer in Law at Yale Law School; and former GE Senior Vice President—General Counsel

Friday, November 18, 2016
8:00 a.m. Breakfast; 8:45 a.m. Lecture
Hotel DuPont, du Barry Room
11th and Market Streets
Wilmington, Delaware 19801

Encore presentation 11 a.m.
Widener University Delaware Law School

One substantive CLE credit available in DE and PA
Online registration form available at above hyperlink
For additional information or for accessibility and special needs requests, contact Carol Perrupato at or 302-477-2178.

Prior Lectures have been highlighted on these pages.

The Delaware Journal of Corporate Law
of Widener University Delaware Law School
presents the 31st Annual Francis G. Pileggi Distinguished Lecture in Law

Title of Lecture: “Shareholder Activism: the Triumph of Delaware’s Board-Centered Model and the New Role for the Board of Directors”

Presented by: Professor Jeffrey N. Gordon
Richard Paul Richman Professor of Law, Columbia Law School;
Co-Director, Richman Center for Business, Law & Public Policy;
Co-Director, Ira M. Millstein Center for Global Markets and Corporate Ownership; Co-Director, Center for Law and Economic Studies

Friday, October 16, 2015

8:00 a.m. Breakfast; 8:45 a.m. Lecture

Hotel DuPont, Green Room
11th and Market Streets
Wilmington, Delaware 19801

One substantive CLE credit available in DE and PA

Online registration form available at

For additional information or for accessibility and special needs requests, contact Rose E. Callahan at or 302-477-2014.

Prior lectures in this series have been highlighted on these pages.

Delaware and the Development of Corporate Governance

The Delaware Journal of Corporate Law of Widener Law Delaware
presents the

30th Annual Francis G. Pileggi Distinguished Lecture in Law
Delaware and the Development of Corporate Governance
Professor Brian R. Cheffins
S.J. Berwin Professor Corporate Law,
University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK

Friday, October 17, 2014
8:00 a.m. Breakfast; 8:45 a.m. Lecture

Hotel duPont, du Barry Room
11th and Market Streets
Wilmington, DE 19801

One substantive CLE credit available in Delaware and Pennsylvania.

Register online, or download the brochure and registration form as a pdf below and mail, email, or fax the form to Rose Callahan.

Download the brochure and registration form as a pdf ]

For questions or inquiries, please contact Rose E. Callahan at 302-477-2014 or via email at

Since 1998, Professor Brian R. Cheffins has been the S. J. Berwin Professor of Corporate Law at Cambridge University. He began his academic career at the University of British Columbia’s Faculty of Law, where he taught from 1986 to 1997. Professor Cheffins has held visiting appointments at Duke, Harvard, Oxford and Stanford and was named a Guggenheim Fellow in 2002. His primary research interests are corporate governance and corporate law, with particular reference to economic and historical aspects. Professor Cheffins is the author of Company Law: Theory, Structure and Operation (Oxford, 1997), The Trajectory of (Corporate Law) Scholarship (Cambridge, 2004) and Corporate Ownership and Control: British Business Transformed (Oxford, 2008).

In the 2014 Pileggi Lecture, entitled “Delaware and the Development of Corporate Governance,” Professor Cheffins will assess Delaware’s contribution to a corporate governance transformation U.S. public companies have experienced over the past 40 years. He will focus on various judgments handed down by Delaware’s courts that qualify as corporate governance landmarks while making the point that Delaware’s impact has varied from marginal to substantial depending on the era and the governance topic involved.

The article prepared in connection with the Annual Lecture will appear in the Delaware Journal of Corporate Law and is available on SSRN.

Prior Lectures in this series, at least for the last few years, were highlighted on these pages.

History of the Annual Pileggi Lecture
In 1985, Francis G.X. Pileggi, who was then the Internal Managing Editor for the Delaware Journal of Corporate Law, envisioned creating a forum where practitioners, judges, and academics, distinguished in the area of corporate law, could speak directly to those most responsible for setting policy on corporate law in the United States—the Delaware bench and bar. Through his efforts and the generosity of his father, Francis G. Pileggi, the idea turned into reality. It continues today through the members of the Delaware Journal of Corporate Law and the continued generosity of Francis G. Pileggi, a founding attorney of Pileggi & Pileggi.

UPDATE: Frank Reynolds of Thomson Reuters has written an excellent summary of the Lecture this year.

This annual lecture in law by a nationally-recognized corporate scholar took place this year on November 9, 2012 at the Hotel duPont in Wilmington and featured Professor Lyman P.Q. Johnson.

Professor Johnson’s presentation was entitled:

“Unsettled and Unsettling Issues in Corporate Law”

An abstract of his presentation follows:

This lecture revisits two fundamental issues in corporate law.  One involves a great deal of seemingly settled law—the central role of the business judgment rule in fiduciary litigation—while the other—whether there is a mandated corporate purpose—has very little law.  Using the emergent question of whether the business judgment rule should be used in analyzing officer and controlling shareholder fiduciary duties, Professor Johnson will propose a rethinking of the rule’s analytical preeminence.  For a variety of reasons, he suggests elevating duties themselves to be more prominent and deemphasizing the business judgment rule.

As to corporate purpose, Professor Johnson will advocate that Delaware law permit a pluralistic approach in the for-profit corporate sector.  Long agnostic about ultimate corporate objective, Delaware law may have turned unnecessarily toward a strict shareholder primacy focus in the 2010 eBay decision.  To bring clarification and to foster flexibility, Professor Johnson recommends a legislative default provision, with an opt-out feature.

Details about the annual lecture, named in honor of my father, are available here and here. Details about some of the more recent annual lectures in this series are available here, and a list of all 27 prior annual lectures, organized by the Widener University School of Law and the Delaware Journal of Corporate Law, can be accessed here.  Professor Johnson’s law school also provided a press release. The Institute of Delaware Corporate and Business Law provided a summary of the presentatiion.